Friday, September 17, 2010

PostHeaderIcon How Can I Make The Most Of My Magnetic Car Sign?

Magnetic Car Signs Make Your Business A Household Name

What do Kleenex, Coke, and Band-Aids all have in common? They are brand names of items that have evolved over time with such strong name recognition that their names alone speak for the entire industry of their products. With the right advertising, your business could become a local household name, too. Magnetic car signs are one way to boost your own name recognition significantly and make the name of your business automatically associated with your product or service.

Now, I'm not saying that a custom magnetic car sign can make your business a nationally known brand name, but it certainly can give you attention that you wouldn't have had before. Don't believe me? There's a lime green car that's seen all over my town with black and white spotted magnetic car signs on both front doors. Her business is 'Paws On Pet Sitting', and the only reason I know this is because of her magnetic car signs. In fact, all of my friends who use pet sitting services use her exclusively. There are others in the area, but the only name I hear repeatedly from clients is 'Paws On'.

Because of the unique way the business owner has designed her magnetic car sign, her business gets instant recognition. It's hard to forget the imagery once you've seen that car. And should I come to the point when I may need a pet sitter? Well, you know who I'm going to call.

So even though 'Paws On' isn't a national brand, the owner's business is thriving because hers is the name that comes to mind when people think of pet sitting. And all because of a simple black and white magnetic car sign!

What Are The Secrets To Creating An Effective Magnetic Car Sign?

Because magnetic signs are so affordable and easy to produce, it seems that everyone with a car is using them one way or another. This is good for advertising all businesses, but you need a magnetic car sign like the pet sitter's - one that creates a visual memory and inspires customers to call your number when your service or product is needed.

So, what's the trick? First, do you remember the color of the pet sitter's car? It was a vivid lime green. No, I'm not suggesting you get a new car or paint job, but her black and white magnetic sign really popped out on that vibrant green background. So take a look at the color of your car and decide which colors will be enhanced by it.

For example, you don't want a red magnetic sign on a red car - people will never see it. Similarly, you don't want a dark colored sign on a dark colored car, nor a light colored sign on a light colored car. You need a bit of contrast to make your sign visible to viewers as they drive by your rolling advertisement. And too many colors can overwhelm such a limited space as a magnetic car sign, cluttering up your message and making it difficult to read. So keep your color scheme limited to around two or three colors.

Secondly, use a graphic that is original and tells about your business. What comes to mind with black and white spots? Most people would likely say an animal, and even more would probably say a dog. Before people have even had a chance to read the pet sitter's magnetic sign, they know her business is somehow associated with animals. And yet her sign is so simple!

Pet sitting is a serious business for the owner, but it is not the same type of profession as maybe a real estate agent. While the pet sitter can afford to be a little whimsical with the design of her magnetic car sign, keep the nature of your business in mind and try to design a magnetic car sign that suits the mood of your business.

Lastly, use shapes to your advantage when creating a custom magnetic sign for your car. The pet sitter's sign is a standard rectangle, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, I can think of a better shape for her magnetic sign - can you? What about a dog paw? As long as the shape can fit flat on a smooth, flat piece of metal on your car, there are no limits to shapes in magnetic car signs. Be sure to accurately measure the space where you plan to display your magnetic car sign before ordering to get a guaranteed fit.

What's In A Name? Your Magnetic Sign Can Tell People For You!

Maybe your housecleaning or shoe design business won't become a national name. Or maybe it will! But one thing's for sure - with a custom magnetic car sign that uses color, design, and shape to highlight your business, your name's sure to be the first on everyone's mind!


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