Friday, September 17, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Promotional Products Heritage

Stay at the forefront by branding your promotional products with your company logo. Ever since the 18th century, when Jasper Meeks and Henry Beach, two printers from Coshocton Ohio, first began to supply their local schools with book bags with the name of their respective companies printed on them, promotional merchandising has been used as a form of corporate marketing, although the real growth in the industry came in the 1970's when promotional products began to become increasingly popular with the public and thus as a means for companies to get their names and identities known to a huge potential customer base.

One of the most important aspects of this whole function was using a recognisable and identifiable company logo to brand your piece of merchandise and there are plenty of good reasons why a logo is more effective at translating your piece of promotional merchandise, into a sale.

The first is that it is advertising in its simplest form. A famous logo is instantly recognisable across the globe. One only has to think of the 'M' for McDonalds, the Panda used by the World Wildlife Fund or the Swoosh used by Nike to recognise how much impact these logos can have on our ability to recall the name of the parent company.

These images are now embedded in our mind firmly and that has only happened, not because of the size of the company, but because we have come to associate their logo as being ubiquitous. We see the logo and we do not need any further information as to who is responsible. That is a strong marketing link and one that other businesses are trying to emulate.

The second reason why a logo is more effective is that it requires less effort on behalf of the consumer. It may sound somewhat odd, but if you emblazon promotional products with a whole host of information, such as your company name, address, phone number, email address and perhaps a tag line that sums up your business, that is a great deal of information to process for an individual and the likelihood is that at that given time, this information is likely to be irrelevant and therefore discarded and ignored.

The truth is, if a client wishes to do business with you, they will undertake the task of finding your detailed information for themselves, either from a business card, online directory or somewhere your details can be easily accessed. Having all these details splashed across promotional products will only mean that it is more likely to be ignored.

Your logo however can't be ignored. It requires no effort to read and just seeing it will remind the potential client of who you are, what your business does. Furthermore, other people that they are with will also see the logo, especially if it is on the sides of a drinks bottle, golf ball, notebook or pedometer.

Think of your logo as being a gentle reminder of your business, rather than providing all your vital information. As such it will have far greater longevity in the mind of your potential clients, who may well forget your business address, phone number, email address, but who will always recognise your logo. And as companies like Apple, Nike and McDonalds have proven, that promoting your business through products is a form of marketing that can be of untold value for any business.


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